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Wells Fargo continues to be an avid supporter of the VCU Massey Cancer Center and participated as a Research Sponsor of the 2014 VCU Massey Cancer Center Women & Wellness Valentine Breakfast and Luncheon held on Tuesday, February 4 at the Jefferson Hotel.  Link Corliss Archer is the Vice President and Community Affairs Officer for Wells Fargo Greater Virginia.  Olympic Gold Medalist, Shannon Miller, America’s most decorated gymnast captured the sold out audience’s attention with her personal story of triumph at the Olympics as well as her personal story of fighting the diagnosis of a rare malignant germ cell tumor, a form of ovarian cancer.  Currently cancer-free, Miller continues to be a strong advocate for making health a priority.

Link Corliss Archer and Link Jill Bussey Harris were attendees at the event and they both serve as advisory board members of the VCU Massey Cancer Center. Link Jill was seated at the table with the First Lady of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe.  Link Corliss hosted the Wells Fargo table and Link Marilyn West attended as a guest of Wells Fargo. Link Stephanie Rochon–Moten participated in the event as well.